Tuesday, March 25

More dog mess facts
Q: Is it dangerous for me to clear up after my dog. Won’t I get toxocariasis?
A: Toxocara eggs are not infectious until they embryonate. This is usually at least 2–-3 weeks after they have been deposited by a dog. Therefore freshly deposited faeces are not infectious, and you can safely clear up after your dog.
Issue of dog mess refuses to go away
I have tracked down a supplier of sturdy construction scoopers, made of lightweight plastic and aluminium. They are available from www.envirobag.co.uk. With the "Gold Miner" no bending is required making it easy to use for all ages to scoop up dog waste. I recommend all dog owners visit this website.

Tuesday, March 18

Robin Cook
It is with great sadness that I report the resignation of Robin Cook from the Cabinet.

In a riveting resignation speech to MPs, former cabinet minister Robin Cook attempted a forensic, line-by-line demolition of the prime minister's case. The Commons has never seen anything quite like it and Speaker Michael Martin was forced to demand order as the extraordinary display showed no sign of abating.

I'm sure that this dignant outburst will mean that the man will be remembered for his values, as opposed to his numerous extra marital affairs with women.
Website names and shames
A transcript of my letter to The Courier (February 14):

It seems that my letter (Courier, February 21) has opened a can of worms about dog mess and the right of dogs to use the Common of Tunbridge Wells and its environs. I make no apologies for that. All I would like to add to this debate is a website my grandson has created: www.howardthompson.blogspot.com.

After discussions with the dog warden, I have taken to publishing what I consider to be details of dog owners who allow their pets to defecate on the land.

I welcome any readers who may like to send submissions and hope that this exercise of peer pressure will help clean up our lovely area.

Howard Thompson
Alice Bright Lane

Friday, March 14

Welcome to readers of The Courier
I was very pleased to see that my latest letter to the highly-respected local paper was published this morning. To reiterate, I am collecting details of dog owners who allow their "pets" to pollute our green spaces. If you would like to email me any details of such criminals, please send them here.

Thursday, March 13

Dog mess facts
Q: How much faeces do dogs produce?
A: Dogs produce 1000 tonnes of faeces every day. Other estimates calculate that daily faecal and urinary output per dog is 100–200g and 0.25–1.25 litres!

Monday, March 10

Let's clean up the muck
If you would like to email me details concerning members of the public who are letting their dogs foul our lovely country, please send them here.

Monday, March 3

Weekend walk
Strolling around Tunbridge Wells the other day, I couldn't help but notice the appalling smell that visitors to Mount Ephraim have to put up with. This stench of rotting fish seems to emnate from the seafood restaurant that dominates the road. Needless to say, I have contacted the local authorities, and shall let you know of their response.