Monday, October 29

Can you hear me?


Sunday, October 28


DustbinI put my Wealden bin out on Tuesday night, and was awoken from my dreams of the Green Goddess by a raucous noise out on the street. When I got up and put on my powerful haolgen light, I watched two youths stumble off down the road, leaving my opened dustbin, with smoke drifting out of it.

I was later to learn from Gerry, my neighbour, that these two scallywags were indulging in a practice called "rubbish-sniffing"! Apparently, green waste bins are sought for this new narcotic experience. What are we coming to?

Friday, October 5

My Terms and Conditions

I am currently composing my personal own Terms and Conditions that utility companies, retailers and the like will have to sign if they want my business. I will of course post them on the World Wide Web when I have prepared them.